Visual Web Co., Ltd. - Web servers in Asia
Servers in Asia
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We are providing top-quality server solutions in data centers in Asia, the Middle East and Oceania - dedicated servers, virtual servers (VPS, VDS) and cloud servers. We are also the right address SEO Ajansi for you if you are looking for co-location of your servers and equipment in data center in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc...

Therefore we are able to provide the ideal solution for your expansion into Asia and the Pacific region - for optimal local access speed to your e-mail, web sites and online applications from your and your target viewership's locations.

Many of our our locations support IPv6.

Below you can see the server locations currently offered by us. Please click on the country name below to access our range of available server solutions and packages for that location.
Servers in Asia
Afghanistan Afghanistan Armenia Armenia Australia Australia Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bahrain Bahrain Bangladesh Bangladesh
Cambodia Cambodia China China Cyprus Cyprus Egypt Egypt Georgia Georgia Hong Kong Hong Kong
India India Indonesia Indonesia Iran Iran Iraq Iraq Israel Israel Japan Japan
Jordan Jordan Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kuwait Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Laos Laos Lebanon Lebanon
Macao Macao Malaysia Malaysia Mongolia Mongolia Myanmar Myanmar Nepal Nepal New Zealand New Zealand
Oman Oman Pakistan Pakistan Palestine Palestine Philippines Philippines Qatar Qatar Russia Russian Siberia
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Singapore Singapore South Korea South Korea Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Taiwan Taiwan Thailand Thailand
Turkey Turkey UAE UAE Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Vietnam Vietnam

We are constantly updating our web site, adding ever more server locations, solutions and packages in high-quality data centers. If you require any server specifications or location not shown on our web site, please let us know. We will be glad to find a suitable solution for your requirements.

We accept credit cards and PayPal

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Visual Web Co., Ltd.
564/7 Lumpinee Center B4, Happyland, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240, Thailand
Tel.: (+66) 62-676-9611; E-mail:; Skype: visualweb1; MSN:

A Member of the Visual Web Group of Companies - - -

© 2013 Visual Web Co. Ltd.